Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Artistic Visual Accompaniment to a Sonic Experience

i.e. : Music Video.


We had to pause our recording plans for a few days about 2 weeks ago, as we got ourselves down and doiity for the shooting of News' music video.

Produced by Hanafi Mohd, an innovative filmaker and also a personal friend from NTU's School of Art, Design & Media, the video is currently going through the pre-production stage and will officially be screened sometime in mid-April.

*claps hands with glee*

We'll definitely post more on the video's launch once the exact details are confirmed. In the meantime, we'll let you salivate with all the candid shots we incessantly snapped during the shoot:

le studio.


amanda: GET TO POSITIONS !!!

*points* mommy i want those!

le direktor

The band shot of all band shots.

The guardians of the red beauty.

Dangerous PSI levels here.

artistik fantastik.

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