Monday, April 21, 2008

15th Session - 3rd April, Thursday.

Bonjour, mes amis!

I am currently taking a self-declared, initiative-driven mini break in the midst of my exams. The exam is just a state of mind. But music is a state of BEING.

*strikes dramatic pose*

The Masterplan Superplan

So anyways! On the date mentioned above, it was D'n'B time, again! I'm sure some persons who happen to be reading this tremendously interesting blog will start to ponder: "they got no guitars, meh?"

But hah! I have anticipated your question beforehand, and plucked the question out of the air the moment you breathed it out. So here it is- It's all because of Syafiq and moi. We have our exams going on during April and May. What a bummer huh. So because of that, we decided to put down the D'n'B(i can't put my bass tracks down without the drums first - well technically i can, but i'll sound robotic) and Syafiq's guitar tracks down before the exams if possible, leaving the exam period for Kenneth and Rahmat to record their guitar and vocal pieces respectively.

This is just our intentions, of course. Plans might change, timetables shifted, Wader may get too popular, and F1 might decide to run through Dunlop St. So we'll get our business going like the normal spongerinas we are, and hope everything falls through nice and tight.

The Procedure

We marched in shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, with Come Home and For Fathers firmly on our minds. The two rather 'simpler' songs on the album, we really hoped it would take only a few hours to get it down. Luckily for us and for Nick, we did.

Both songs were very very direct and it would be rather boring to detail what we did. But anyway, for anyone who has recognized For Fathers at our live sets, you'll be in for a surprise. The version that we usually play is that very version - the live one. The original is not astonishingly different, but still rather noticeable. Keep a lookout for that, yo!

Newsflash: For some fantastically unrelated news, i have just adopted a cat last night. It's currently busy hiding under my bed buried under all the damn junk, and i can't even get it out. When i do bring him out into the world, i'll definitely put up pics of him here, for any kittyphiles around.

*rushes back to notes*

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Artistic Visual Accompaniment to a Sonic Experience

i.e. : Music Video.


We had to pause our recording plans for a few days about 2 weeks ago, as we got ourselves down and doiity for the shooting of News' music video.

Produced by Hanafi Mohd, an innovative filmaker and also a personal friend from NTU's School of Art, Design & Media, the video is currently going through the pre-production stage and will officially be screened sometime in mid-April.

*claps hands with glee*

We'll definitely post more on the video's launch once the exact details are confirmed. In the meantime, we'll let you salivate with all the candid shots we incessantly snapped during the shoot:

le studio.


amanda: GET TO POSITIONS !!!

*points* mommy i want those!

le direktor

The band shot of all band shots.

The guardians of the red beauty.

Dangerous PSI levels here.

artistik fantastik.